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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Chizhkov S.L. Vladimir Solovyov's Concept of Personality and Dignity. On the Question about Ethical and Philosophical Grounds for Liberalism

Abstract: Based on the analysis of Vladimir Solovyov's fundamental philosophical work 'The Justification of the Good', the author of the article studies the importance of Solovyov's ideas on freedom and human dignity for the key provisions of the liberal ethical and philosophical doctrine. Traditionally, Solovyov is believed to be the harbinger of social liberalism because he spoke of the right to have a decent human existence as the fundamental human right. This right is usually viewed in terms of redistribution of social wealth and social functions of the government. However, thorough reading of Solovyev's research shows that technically, he meant moral aspects of human existence but not pragmatic or legal aspects. These aspects refer to the fact that human has the right to be the source, purpose and meaning but not just a mean of social development. The analysis of the key provisions of 'The Justification of the Good' shows that the idea of human dignity is closely related to the idae of freedom. Decent existence and dignity itself are based on the human ability to choose the good freely and without any external influence or pressure while he always has an opportunity to commit the evil. In his article Chizhikov demonstrates the logical relationship between freedom, morals and human dignity. Solovyov provides true ethical and philosophical grounds for fundamental values of liberalism. For him freedom and human dignity are the basis and result of the universal process of the development of the good as a combination of both human and humanity moral development. 


morality, personality, law, freedom, liberalism, Vladimir Solovyov, purpose, philosophy, Russia, society

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