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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Gurevich P.S. Immortality in This and the Other Worlds

Abstract: The author of the article focuses on the themes of life and death that have interested philosophers and psychologists throughout many centuries and are being interpreted in a new way nowadays. Followers of the quantum mind start to speak of immortality with confidence. They associate soul with information and compare the Universe to a computer. According to their concept, human is idenfified with his mental content which is literally absorbed by the Universe after the death of an individual. Our mind tries to defend itself and therefore eliminates the common idea of death. The other variant of immortality is determined by the mind of a cybernaut which is another form of life marking the end of the 'protein' chauvinism. In the course of his research Gurevich has used the ideas of classical philosophy on immortality. At the same time, he has also taken into account achievements of philosophical anthropology that pays much attention to the issues of death and immortality. For the first time in the Russian academic literature on philosophy and psychology Gurevich analyzes different interpretations of soul including modern concepts. He underlines that many authors that touch upon immortality in their researches lack profound philosophical grounds. However, the theme has been important and studied by philosophers throughout the history of philosophy. In his research Gurevich has also provided a critical analysis of the newest interpretations of immortality. 


psychology, philosophy, death, immortality, psyche, mind, brain, soul, information, mentality, transhumanism

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