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Administrative and municipal law
Kalinin G.I. (2015). Administrative justice issues: case authority in public administration in the sphere of veterinary medicine. Administrative and municipal law, 12, 1277–1281.
Kalinin G.I. Administrative justice issues: case authority in public administration in the sphere of veterinary medicineAbstract: The article focuses on the results of adjudication of administrative-legal controversies between the sides, one of which is a public authority, in the sphere of veterinary medicine. The presence or the absence of case authority in Russia is a disputable moment. Formally, Russian law is not a case law, but practically, when deciding on a case, courts follow the judicial practice. The part of administrative justice in the regulation of processes of public administration is rather large. It’s hard to overestimate the role of case authority in the sphere of veterinary medicine. The author uses such general scientific methods as dialectics, historical method, analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction and such special scientific methods as historical-legal, comparative-legal, system-structural, along with the systems analysis of the phenomena under consideration, the method of analysis of normative-legal base, judicial practice and foreign experience. The author concludes that Russian legislation in the sphere of veterinary medicine is characterized by gaps and defects of formulations, serving as a ground for appeals against the actions of public authorities. The author demonstrates how judicial acts affect the formation of law enforcement practice in the sphere of public administration of veterinary medicine. Generally, the article reflects the positive judicial practice. The negative moment is that courts’ actions are used for the compensation of gaps in the legislation and inefficient work of legislative and executive authorities. Keywords: control, regulation, case authority, legislation, public administration, administrative justice, administrative law, surveillance, safety, veterinary medicine
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