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Administrative and municipal law

Meshcheryakova T.R. Administrative liability for the violation of citizens’ labour rights

Abstract: The article considers the peculiarities of administrative offences, infringing the rights of citizens introduced by labour law and social partnership acts. The author pays special attention to the correlation of terminology used in the Labour Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative offences. Particular attention is paid to time limitations of liability imposition for administrative offences, provided by the articles 5.27 – 5.34 of the Code of Administrative Offences. Considering particular composition of administrative offences, infringing citizens’ labour rights, the author studies the problem aspects of deeds qualification. The methodology of the research is based on the set of methods of scientific cognition, applied on theoretical and empirical levels: the dialectical method, the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparative jurisprudence, the formal-logical and the system-structural methods. The paper offers the ways of the existing legal regulations improvement when imposing administrative liability for the violation of citizens’ labour rights: unification of terms in the Labour Code and the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation; unification of time limitation of administrative liability imposition for all types of violations of workers’ labour rights. 


labour right, subject of liability, administrative liability, time limitation, violation of rules, mental element of crime, continuing crimes, qualification of offences, objective side of offence

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