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Trends and management
Bocharnikov I.V. (2015). The "Islamic State" terrorist group as a natural consequence of the U.S. strategy in the Middle East. Trends and management, 4, 395–402.
Bocharnikov I.V. The "Islamic State" terrorist group as a natural consequence of the U.S. strategy in the Middle East.Abstract: This paper analyzes the origins of a terrorist group called the "Islamic State" and the factors that contributed to its transformation into one of the most significant threats to modern civilization.Numbered among the most significant preconditions for the evolution of the "Islamic State" is the US strategy in the Middle East focused on the reformatting of local political space. A significant part of this strategy involved provoking internal political crises through a cycle of color revolutions of the Arab Spring, the displacement of legitimate regimes, the escalation of ethnic and religious strife, supporting, arming, equipping and financing various types of anti-government armed groups. The methodological basis of the research is a systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. Similarly, the strategy is carried out in relation to the countries and the Central Asian region. The aim of this strategy is the creation of the arc of instability in the political space from Morocco to China.All of this eventually contributed to the escalation of the terrorist threat, which Middle Eastern and Central Asian countries ended up forced to deal with. Keywords: diplomacy, international relations, U.S. foreign policy, world politics, Russia, geopolitics, interests, state, security, color revolutions
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