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Taxes and Taxation

Yanik A.A., Popova S.M. New Tax Incentives for Innovations: Experience of Some European Countries

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of modern systems of tax incentives for research and innovation in the four European countries – the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany and France. According to international rankings, all of these countries have a comparable high level of innovation development, but differ greatly in the structure and principles of public sector support for science and innovation. The authors of the article have considered current changes in tax incentive policy that were introduced in connection with the adoption by the national governments of new strategic documents in the field of innovative development. To achieve the research objectives, the authors have applied general logical methods of scientific research, comparative legal and comparative historical analysis, systems approach and the structural and functional approach. It is concluded that the policy of European countries in promoting science and innovation is mixed: along with direct state support governments also use various methods of "soft compulsion" to innovation of the economic agents through the use of various tax instruments. Currently designing efficient tax regimes in the field of innovation promotion is at the stage of "trial and error", however, this activity objectively contributes to the emergence of self-developing innovation ecosystems at the national and general European levels. Analysis of current changes in the policy of tax incentives for scientific research and innovation in the most innovative of the developed countries of Europe is of particular interest to the Russian tax theory and practice as well as management of processes of economic modernization of the country.


Netherlands, United Kingdom, tax policy, tax incentives, tax credit, stimulation of innovations, intellectual property, R&D, Germany, France

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