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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Matyukhin I.V. Polygraph Testing of Clients Suffering from Panic Attacks

Abstract: In his article Matyukhin describes the process and results of an original psychological test that was developed as a response to medics' request to analyze whether there are objective changes of psychophysiological parameters demonstrated by clients with the anxiety disorder and panic attacks when they subjectively experience uncomfortable sensations. The research was conducted using the special applied psychophysiological method and the technology of creating a computer-based profile through polygraphic registration of vegetative reactions demonstrated by repondents. The researcher has built the situation model of manifestation of the anxiety disorder and has described the two dominating types of sympathetic nervous system reactions as well as specific profiles of changes in their indicators. The results of the research show statisfically significant changes in psychophysiological indicators, in particular, cardio channel, pneumo channel, galvanic skin reaction channel and plethysmographic information channel. Thus, the research has allowed to discover distinct changes in objective psychophysiological parameters that are synchronized with uncomfortable sensations and thus complete the clinical picture of the manifestation and unfolding of a panic attack both at the subjective and objective levels. The researcher also provides classifications of different types of vegetative reactions as part of the psychophysiological research conducted upon the clinical request. 


measurement, polygraph, anxiety, symptom, request, panic attack, psychophysiology, polygrams, incentives, reactions

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