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Software systems and computational methods

Golosovskiy M.S. Methods of selecting the geographic information system for the study of marine areas

Abstract: The aim of the research is to solve the problem of choosing the application of geographic information system, optimal in performance for use in the interest of the study of maritime and coastal zones. Some software products presented on the market of geographic information systems can be used as alternatives. The assessment quality indicators are individual ratings of basic features implementation: building contour relief; calculation of the flooded area; construction of three-dimensional models; create custom layers; the creation of custom objects. The presented solution is based on a modified fuzzy analytic hierarchy process method. Methods use in the research: qualimetry complex systems, analysis of hierarchically organized structures, fuzzy logic, geoinformatics, matrix calculus, computational mathematics. The main conclusions of the study is that the use of a modified fuzzy hierarchy analysis method allowed to find a solution to the problem of choosing an alternative embodiment, a hierarchically organized system meets the quality criterion with given functions of mutual preferences of criteria and alternatives, obtained on the basis of expert opinion aggregation domain.


preference among criteria, geographic information systemi, analytic hierarchy process, hierarchical convolution, fuzzy hierarchy, linguistic preference function, group selection of alternatives, preference for alternatives, geoinformatics, monitoring of water areas

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