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Software systems and computational methods

Mironov S.V., Kulikov G.V. Analysis of the potential methods for software testing without source code

Abstract: The article considers the prevailing contradictions between the nature of the vulnerabilities in source code, safety requirements limitations of regulatory and methodological basis of tests and software developers who do not provide the source code for testing purposes. Methods of software products analysis that do not require the source code of programs, are widely used abroad but in our country are not well known yet. The article investigates the question can such methods and means increase the effectiveness of certification testing of software. The authors determine the necessary changes in the regulations to open up the possibility of applying the methods of testing programs without source code in the certification tests. Methods used in the study: software engineering, analysis of complex systems, the theory of reliability of complex systems, the synthesis software, compiling software. The paper shows that the use of methods for testing without source code allows to find such common vulnerabilities in the software that can’t be effectively detected because of the regulatory restrictions for the presence of source code. The experience of certification tests on the absence of undeclared features and program bookmarks, as well as independent software testing allows to determine the priority areas for improvement of the regulatory, based on the application of the methods of testing software without source code.


evaluation of data protection, software security, detection of undeclared features, detection of software bookmarks, software testing, software certification, software vulnerability, identification of vulnerable programs, signature analysis, testing programs

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