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Administrative and municipal law

Fedotov V.V. Problems of differentiation between state services and state functions in Russia

Abstract: The subject of the research covers the principles of division of the activities of public administration into state functions and state services. Particular attention is paid to the origins of the concepts “state service” and “public service” in the Russian legislation; the author carries out the comparative analysis of legal grounds and the content of state functions and services in the civil and administrative legislation. The author considers the list and the content of some state services rendered by “Rosreestr”. The author studies their content and interrelation with civil and constitutional rights of citizens and administrative responsibility. In this research the author applies the historical and comparative methods to study the legal norms, along with the methods of analysis and synthesis. The author supposes that division of the public authorities’ activities into state functions and state services should be derived from the existing principles of regulation of services and functions, and a broad interpretation of administrative process. In the author’s opinion, the public bodies’ implementation of their authorities, especially in the spheres of licensing and registration procedures, should be considered at state functions. The author ascertains that in some cases a state function acquires the features of an administrative prescription. The author formulates the definition of a state function in the context of state services and suggests applying the term “state services”. 


state service, state function, public service, administrative regulation, administrative process, Rosreestr, registration of rights, administrative reform, service state, state service

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