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Philosophy and Culture
Karpova E.V. (2015). The Subjec of Legal Perception of Space: Philosophical Analysis. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1557–1566.
Karpova E.V. The Subjec of Legal Perception of Space: Philosophical AnalysisAbstract: The subject of the present research is the subject of legal perception of space. In her research Karpova offers a definition of the subject of legal perception of space and analyzes peculiarities of the subject of legal perception of space from the ontological, gnoseological and axiological points of view. The thematic justification and importance of the topic are determined by the need to overcome the narrow gnoseological views on the subject prevailing in modern philosophical and legal concepts. The author attempts to create a concrete definition of the subject as the functions of a real person seen with all his diverse features, legal contacts and relations. The author has applied gnoseological, ontological and axiological approaches to the research. Karpova has also used the method of binary oppositions and the phenomenological research method. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author offers an integrated approach to studying the subject of legal perception of space. As a result of the research, the author makes the onto-gnoseological conclusion about the subject of legal perception of space as an active cognizing and acting Self endued with legal awarenes and free will. The subject of legal perception of space exists in the onto-gnoseological unity of the internal and the external, the perceiving and the perceived, in the axiological choice between the legal and illegal, as the guarantee for the ontological unity of legal existence, being ontologically united with the object of perception and gnoseologically opposed to it at the same time. Keywords: subject, space, perception, legal, legal activity, legal reality, legal environment, ontology, socioculture, philosophy of law
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