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Philosophy and Culture
Tararoev Ya.V., Shapchenko T.V., Direglazov A.Yu. (2015). Ontological Content of the Term 'Symmetry' (the Case Study of the Musical and Physical Research). Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1478–1488.
Tararoev Ya.V., Shapchenko T.V., Direglazov A.Yu. Ontological Content of the Term 'Symmetry' (the Case Study of the Musical and Physical Research)Abstract: The present research is devoted to the philosophical problem of the ontological content of symmetry based on the case study of symmetry in music and physics. The authors of the article have analyzed forms and types of symmetry in music and demonstrate that in music symmetry plays a methodological role of building the musical content and is a direct form of musical thinking. The use of symmetry in physics are being viewed based on the example of CPT symmetry. The authors demonstrate that this symmetry has an ontological nature and basically has the same forms and types like in music. The main research method is the analysis of physical texts and musicological researches, texts related to logic and general philosophical texts. The analysis of how symmetry is used in music and physics allows to conclude that symmetry has a logical nature and is a generalization of the logical law of identity. Symmetry is a resemblance of objects when one feature of objects is different and other features are identical. This approach allows to explain asymmetric distortion and view it a a methodological principle for constructing reality along with symmetry. Keywords: symmetry, music, ontology, space, time, matter, symmetry axis, logic, reality, predicate
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