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Philosophy and Culture
Bazaluk O.A. (2015). What is Dasein? (Reminiscence of Martin Heidegger’s Ideas). Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1441–1450.
Bazaluk O.A. What is Dasein? (Reminiscence of Martin Heidegger’s Ideas)Abstract: The subject of the author’s research is Dasein. On the one hand, reminiscence of Heidegger’s ideas allowed the author to use reputable researches of a famous philosopher of the twentieth century as well as a large group of his followers and researchers of his work, and, on the other hand, to avoid a direct reference to Heidegger’s texts and theorists interpreting him. The author investigated the research question 'What is Dasein in the philosophy of cosmos?', however, he did not base solely on Heidegger’s ideas but only appealed to them. The author offered the so-called philosophy of cosmos as his own methodological structure for discovering and understanding Dasein to the maximum extend. The author has used the dialectical, system-structural, structural-functional research methods as well as methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis. The author’s main contribution to the research of the topic was a response to the following questions: 1. “What is philosophy?”, in particular, whether philosophy is: a) a certain kind of activity that appears as a response to historical events (Marx’s understanding of philosophy) or b) questioning i.e. asking questions about Dasein and being and the search for answers to them (Heidegger’s understanding of philosophy). 2. “What methodologies should be implied to discover all the variety of the meanings of Dasein?” 3. “What is Dasein?” Keywords: philosophy of cosmos, being, reminiscence, complication, Heidegger, complicating factors, complication causes, Dasein, philosophy, complication of existence
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