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Spektor D.M. Towards Ontology of the Tragic Action

Abstract: In his article Spektor analyzes the historical and genetic aspects of the tragic action traced back from the times when the tradic action was first performed as part of rituals (in comparison to the comedy which has common historical sources with the tragedy). In addition, the author of the article compares the referencial subbase to developing views on the essence of the tragic action performing the functin of mimesis in narrative. Special attention is paid to the relationship between syntagma and paradigm in the tragedy as well as ontology of the tragic action due to its influence on the phenomenological and existential philosophy of the XXth century. The method of the research chosen by the author refers to a successive reduction of the tragic to its historical bases; the structural components of the tragedy revealed in the course of the research are studied further from the point of view of their genesis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author establishes the structure of the tragic action that includes the initiating mystery play, dialogic agon and integral fiction. The author of the article demonstrates that the tragedy constructs the concept of death in ontology and ideology of reality (physical bodies) through describing the path to death (one's own death or death of the other). The absence of alternatives to death represents the irreversible presence. 


sacrifice, tragic, patrimonial, substantive, laughter, paradigm, syntagma, lives-to-death, genesis, initiation

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