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Limanskaya L.Yu. (2015). The Problem of Cultural Archetype in Socialist Realism and Soviet Pop Art. Culture and Art, 6, 611–617.
Limanskaya L.Yu. The Problem of Cultural Archetype in Socialist Realism and Soviet Pop ArtAbstract: The article is devoted to the role of the semantic inversion in cultural archetypes of socialist realism and Soviet Pop Art. The author of the article traces back to the relationship between socialist realism and didactics of Christian world perception. Limanskaya defines the role of semiotic codes and iconographic formulas that allowed the ideology of socialist realism to acquire the status of a particular worldview in art. The author also describes ideological stereotypes of socialist realism and analyzes types of their deconstruction in Soviet Pop Art. The research method is based on the comparative analysis of cultural archetypes in socialist reliasm and Soviet Pop Art. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that in Soviet Pop Art the change of the semiotic code of socialist reliasm is based on the semantic inversion that appears in response to structural symmetry of cultural archetypes. The research method is also based on the research of the role of cultural archetypes and inversion of art images in iconographic programs of socialist realism and Soviet Pop Art. According to the author of the article, socialist realism deconstructed the Christian mythologem and replaced it with the Communist mythologem. That substitution was possible due to their structural symmetry. The change of the semiotic code of socialist realism in Soviet Pop Art was also based on the mechanism of the semantic inversion as a response to the structural symmetry of existing semiotic codes. Keywords: ideology, metahero, archetype, metaphorical / figurative sense, socialist realism, social art, typification, propaganda, semiotical, code
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