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Philosophy and Culture

Belozerov A.B. Cognitive and Socio-Cultural Aspects of Communicative Rationality

Abstract: This article is devoted to the analysis of epistemological features of the concept of communicative rationality, the content of which is relevant to modern philosophy. The overview of concepts on the problem presented in the article demonstrates that communicative rationality relates to the theory of knowledge, theories of communicative action, of complicated self-developing systems, synergetics, and self-organization associated with constant variability and dynamism in relations between people. Modern concepts of communicative rationality is presented in comparison to the research in "human dimension" and interdisciplinary areas. The author emphasizes the need for the application of communicative rationality to special subject areas. The research process is based on the methodology of comparative philosophical analysis aimed at acquiring new scientific knowledge. The author of the article proposes the thesis about the ability of epistemology that explores the content and meaning of communicative rationality in the field of knowledge to comprehensively take into account the diversity of situations of human communication. The author shows the relationship of the research problems with social and cultural processes taking place in public life and practical requests for opening perspectives and implementation of procedures, discussions, and making rational, agreed decisions. 


communicative rationality, theory of knowledge, network space, epistemological approach, interdisciplinarity, self-organization, information and communication processes, synergetics, axiological orientation

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