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Philosophy and Culture
Kuz'min A.V. (2015). Ontological Possibility of Pegasus and Little Horse Constellations (The Ritual, Constellation Map and a Question Whether There Was a Cosmological Model in the Bronze Age). Philosophy and Culture, 9, 1286–1296.
Kuz'min A.V. Ontological Possibility of Pegasus and Little Horse Constellations (The Ritual, Constellation Map and a Question Whether There Was a Cosmological Model in the Bronze Age)Abstract: The article is devoted to reconstructing the elements of cosmological views in the societies that had existed before philosophy was created. According to the author's hypothesis, the main elements of cosmological views of the preliterate period are illustrated with the ritual of 'sacrifising a horse'. In his article Kuzmin makes an attempt to reconstruct the history of establishment and fixation of the sacrifice ritual (base on both historical-philosophical and archeological sources) as an existential cosmological model of the Bronze Age. The author analyzes how that model was described in writing materials (the Vedas). In his research Kuzmin has used the comparative analysis of textual sources and illustrations related to the subject under research as well as the critical analysis of previously published researches by Russian and foreign scientists. Based on the analysis undertaken in this research, the author considers whether Cosmos models could exist already in the third century BC. The main conclusion of the article is that at the turn of the IVth - IIIth centuries the idea of 'Cosmos originating from the sacrifice of Heavenly Horse' was created. That idea was fixed in the symbols of Northern constellations. Keywords: cosmological models, constellation map, mythology, constellations, Cosmos, ontology of science, preclassical science, ritual, uranography, metauranography
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