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History magazine - researches
Lannik L.V. (2015). The political factors in the transformation of the Kaiser military elite: on the road to Reichswehr 1918–1921. History magazine - researches, 3, 324–332.
Lannik L.V. The political factors in the transformation of the Kaiser military elite: on the road to Reichswehr 1918–1921Abstract: This article examines the transition process of the military elite from the Kaiser army to the Reichswehr of the Weimar republic, complicated by revolutionary events, conditions of military defeat and the limitations imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. With all the particularities of the military elite of Germany, its attempt not to submit to the political situation of the period like never before forced the German military to seriously take into account the various political factors in achieving their goal – the creation of a stable armed force capable of coexistence with a republican government, leaving at its head representatives of the elite, thus ensuring continuity from the old army. In many ways the conditions posed by those at the source of the Reichswehr seemed almost to contradict them, nor did the elite possess the necessary unity within itself and maintained a continuing distrust towards the centre-left forces that came to power, but towards the spring of 1921 the most turbulent period of the transformation was over. The military elite demonstrated a high level of autonomy and stability during the next decades, but it was unable to influence the formation of the Nazi government in Germany. Keywords: Groener, Reinhardt, Putsch, monarchists, Freikorps, Weimar republic, military elite, Reichswehr, Versailles, von Seeckt
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