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History magazine - researches

Tsaruski Yu. The German revolution of 1918–1919 in modern studies and in public perception

Abstract: In modern historiography and in public consciousness the November revolution of 1918 in Germany is considered to be an “almost forgotten revolution”, although lately there has been a rise in interest surrounding its events. This article presents an analysis of the fundamental approaches in interpreting this revolution. Citing relevant publications of German historians, as for example Alexander Gallus, Andreas Wirsching and Wolfgang Niess, the author subjects to a critical evaluation both the classical topics of discussion and the new tendencies and directions. Additionally, the author gives particular attention to the relationship between the discussions of the November revolution and of the peaceful revolution in German Democratic Republic 71 years later. In this age, when the socialist dream has more or less disappeared, the question of whether the socialist revolution had missed its chance has also lost its previous relevance. At the heart of today’s discussions lies the question of the durability of the democratic system that came as a result of the revolution. The idea that the peaceful revolution of 1989 in German Democratic Republic is the first successful revolution in Germany contains within itself an indirect criticism of the November revolution. The author criticises the sidedness of such a position, which does not consider the complexity of the historical conditions surrounding the first democratic revolution in Germany during the modern period.


Federal Republic of Germany, social-democratic movement, Bolshevism, democracy, Weimar Republic, November revolution, First World War, German Democratic Republic, USSR, peaceful revolution

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