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Taxes and Taxation

Palagina T.V. Investment Tax Incentives in the Industrial Sector of the Economy in the Kyrgyz Republic

Abstract: The subject of the present research is the tax incentives for investment activity because it is a crucial task to increase investment and innovation activities as the main factor of the economic growth. In this research Palagina analyzes the mechanisms of investment tax incentives such as tax exemptions, deductions, rebates and prolongation of a tax payment due date in order to encourage investment behaviour of economic entities. Invstment tax credicts allow to accelerate the process of developing proprietary financial resources out of internal sources as well as to foster the growth of a corporate's net cash flow. Reinvestment of these assets guarantees a timely renewal of fixed assets. The researcher also analyzes the experience of foreign states, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federatrion and the Republic of Kazakhstan in implementation of tax benefits to encourage investment activity. The main conclusion of the research is that there is a need to improve the tax law of Kyrgyzstan and involve accelerating amortization factors and investment tax credits. According to the author, these benefits should be granted to industrial establishments that invest in innovative resource saving and energy efficient equipment considering that such investments start to play an important role in the economy of Kyrgystan. 


tax benefits, tax credits, tax incentives, investments, tax credit, accelerated amortization, bonus depreciation, depreciation policy, amortization policy, fixed assets, fiscal policy, renewal of fixed assets

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