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Taxes and Taxation
P'yanova M.V. (2015). The Role of Corporate Property Taxation in Provision of Social Support for Citizens. Taxes and Taxation, 9, 680–688.
P'yanova M.V. The Role of Corporate Property Taxation in Provision of Social Support for CitizensAbstract: In her article Pyanova analyzes social benefits on corporate property tax as a mean of social support of citizens in the Russian Federation. Based on the analysis of the the two groups of regions, the researcher concludes that corporate property taxation involves extensive and sometimes unjustified implementation of social benefits. Moreover, there is a general trend towards reduction of the quantity of taxpayers who uses social benefits on corporate property tax. Thus, Russia faces the need to monitor the use of tax benefits and exemptions through assessing their efficiency and effectiveness. With the help of the methods of description and generalization, the researcher has discovered particular causes of the low efficiency and effectiveness of social benefits on corporate property tax. To analyze the frequency of such benefits, the researcher has used the methods comparison, statistical data analysis, graphic presentation of data and author's calculations. The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1) The result of the implementation of social benefits on corporate property tax is the reduction of the tax burden accompanied with the need to spend savings on socially important goals. 2) At the present time there is no unified regulation of the Russian Federation to assess effectiveness and efficiency of implemented social benefits granted to organizations, the major part of the regions under review do not conduct such assessment at all. 3) Beneficiary regions are less interested in implementing autonomous fiscal policy, in particular, social support of their citizens, compared to non-beneficiary regions. A number of the Russian Federation constituents do not grant property tax benefits locally. 4) Current social benefits on corporate property tax are inefficient and ineffective. 5) The defective mechanism for computation of corporate property tax creates uncertainty and complicates the performance of a social function of this tax. Keywords: assessment of efficiency, efficiency of benefits, social benefits, property taxation, efficiency of tax advantages, tax advantages, tax benefits, social support, social function of taxes, reduction of tax burden, social sphere, social services
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