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Taxes and Taxation

Balaeva D.A., Dzarasova A.K. The Analysis of the Effectiveness of Tax Incentives as Part of Taxation Mechanism

Abstract: The subject of this study is the analysis of the use of tax incentives as part of taxation mechanism.  The object of the research is the analysis of the effectiveness of tax incentives. The authors of the article describe different aspects of the mechanism of tax benefits aand the influence of such mechanism on both a taxpayer and tax revenues into the budgets of all levels. The authors demonstrate that it is necessary to apply a balanced approach when using this tool of taxation policy. According to the authors, this tool can be used by a taxpayer to benefit from using unjustified benefits and to violate competitive conditions. The research methodology is based on the systems approach and mathematical and statistical methods. The research of the effectiveness of tax incentives as part of taxation mechanism is based on empirical and theoretical methods. The main conclusion of the research is the author's position about the nature of tax benefits, in accordance with which they should be clear and understandable for taxpayers to avoid and prevent ambiguous interpretation. According to the author, defective mechanisms for granting particular tax benefits lead to their inefficient use. Special contribution to the research theme is the analysis of the effectiveness of tax incentives as part of taxation mechanism.


tax expenditures, tax incentives, analysis of effectiveness, performance criteria, implementation progress, evaluation criteria, tax report, tax revenues, stimulating value, principles of taxation

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