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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Khudyakova Yu.Yu. Peculiarities of Motivational Propensities and Regulation of Aggressiveness of Patients Suffering from Paranoid Schizophrenia

Abstract: The purpose of the research is to study peculiarities of motivational propensities of patients suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and peculiarities of regulation of their aggression. In her research Khudyakova used the Szondi test. The research involved 203 patients aged from 18 to 64. The experimental groups included 102 patients that had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. The experimental groups were created depending on their gender and duration of their disease (more or less than 5 years). The control groups included 101 patients without any mental diseases. The participants of the control groups were divided depending on their gender. Theoretical and methodological basis of the research involved the provisions of the biopsychosocial theory. When interpreting the results of the projective Szondi test, the author also applied the provisions of the psychodynamic approach. As a result of the research of motivational propensities, patients suffering from paranoid schizophrenia demonstrated decreased needs for love and belonging. Women with paranoid schizophrenia had a high level of aggression as a personal motivational factor. Men with paranoid schizophrenia demonstrated a higher tendency towards the factor of sexual undifferentiality compared to healthy men. The researcher has also studied peculiarities of regulation of aggressiveness in the aforesaid groups. Women who had been suffering from paranoid schizophrenia for less than 5 years had difficulty regulating their aggression due to the dissociation of their motivational structure. Women who had been suffering from their disease for more than 5 years regulated their aggression only by the ethic motivational factor which usually came out as pseudo religious beliefs and reasoning about the Good and the Evil and etc. Aggressiveness of men who had been having the disease for less than 5 years was regulated by the motivational factor of adhesion and consistency as well as the motivational factor of devotion, aggressiveness of men who had been ill for more than 5 years was regulated by the motivational factor of adhesion and consistency.


regulation of aggressiveness, aggressive behavior, aggression, aggressiveness, paranoid schizophrenia, motivational propensities, needs, Szondi test, projective tests, gender

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