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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Gurevich P.S. Deep Inside, Where There is No Bottom of Your Soul... (Psychological Issues of Social Management)

Abstract: Nowadays politicians and psychologists talk a lot about how important it is to improve the management of processes ongoing in the society. Admittedly, reforms that had taken place recently in Russia did not have the desired effect and even turned out to have a negative influence in some cases. Political and social problems cannot be solved due to the low level of management culture. In this article Gurevich provides a critical analysis of modern technocratic projects. Today's academic and popular literature emphasizes the need for creating the kind of management system that would be autonomous from the government and be able to solve strategic issues. The author of the article demonstrates that these suggestions are not new though because they reflect the ambitions of the technocratic kind of thinking. In his turn, the author bases his work on modern psychological and philosophical concepts to describe a new scientific paradigm. To his opinion, one-sided technocratism does not respond to the challenges of the modern age any more. For the first time in Russian academic literature the author makes a supposition that gaps and failures of management technocratism are caused by the neglect of the sacral dimension of human existence. Modern rationality supersedes transcendent findings from the social life. According to the quantum theory, these compoments are returned to the social existence in a new form. This is what causes the failures of the reforms. Technocrats only intensify the pressure on sacrality. 


psychology, management, sacrality, technocratism, quantum thinking, social existence, organizational culture, unprofessional performance, religion, tradition

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