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National Security

Zelenkov M.Yu. System of ideological foundation of the process of provision of national security of the Russian Federation in the XXI century

Abstract: The object of this research is the ideological foundations of the process of provision of national security of the Russian Federation that are being examined as a system. Currently, there is no unanimity among scientists and politicians on the need for implementing ideology in the system of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation, as well as in its structure and content. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the author based on the analysis of the processes of provision of national security of the state (society and individual) from the perspective of historical and systemic approaches defines, substantiates, and classifies the elements of the ideological grounds of the process of provision of national security of the Russian Federation, as well as reveals their content aspect. A special attention is given to the description of correlation between the elements of ideological foundations and to the author’s understanding of its structure and content. The functions of ideological foundations and the acquired scientific results detected during the course of research, helped identify the presence of the elements of the system of ideological foundations of certain substance within the structure – national patriotic ideology. In conclusion, the author points out that the ideological foundations are specifically important for Russia due to its historical development, collectivistic consciousness of the citizens that cannot see themselves outside of the state; and the state serves as an intrinsic condition for the stability of the society.


Constitution of the Russian Federation, USA, Russian Federation, ideological foundations, national interests, national security, patriotism, nationhood, statehood, national patriotic ideology

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