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National Security
Petukhov A.Yu. (2015). Influence of psychological operations upon the political process in Russia under the conditions of information warfare. National Security, 5, 648–655.
Petukhov A.Yu. Influence of psychological operations upon the political process in Russia under the conditions of information warfareAbstract: This article reviews the aspects and certain methods of modern psychological operations in information confrontation, as well as the principle s and mechanisms of the work of mass media as an instrument of these operations. The relevance of this topic is justified by the exponential growth of modern communication networks and the increase of dependence of a separate individual from such networks, which allows conducting global information operations with the collective conscious of entire countries. All of this leads to a massive information warfare actively using the newest technologies of psychological effects. As a conclusion, the author defines a number of major mechanisms and methods of the modern mass media, characteristic to the regularities of the influence of psychological operations, and points out few of the more susceptible areas of modern collective consciousness in Russia with consideration of the external factor. The author also notes the lack of specific idealistic base within Russia for counteracting foreign information influence. Keywords: information warfare, psychological safety, information communications, cognitive systems, mass media, collective conscience manipulations, psychological vulnerability, cognitive map, Russia, public opinion
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