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Administrative and municipal law

Yuvchenko S.V. Formation of the Federal service of court bailiffs of the Russian Federation and its development in 2004 – 2008

Abstract: The subject of the research includes normative legal acts, regulating the organization and activities of bodies of compulsory execution of judicial acts and acts of other bodies in the Russian Federation in 2004 – 2008, as well as statistical data and materials of law enforcement practice. The object of the research is the range of public relations arisen in the process of formation and development of these bodies during the mentioned period. The article analyzes the problems of formation and development of the Federal service of court bailiffs of the Russian Federation (2004-2008) in the context of the administrative reform carried out in this period, as well as the reform of enforcement proceedings of 2007. The author studies the main results of these reforms and their impact on the effectiveness of enforcement proceedings in the Russian Federation. The paper identifies the key advantages and shortcomings of the existing system of enforcement authorities. The author uses the general and specific scientific methods of cognition. General scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction, deduction, etc.) helped to identify the main trends and regularities of development of the studied object. Specific scientific methods (formal-legal, comparative legal, systemic-structural, statistical, sociological) provided the opportunity to identify, describe and reproduce the phenomena under investigation, to compare them in order to reveal the similarities and differences. As a result of the conducted research the author comes to the following conclusions. The formation of the Federal service of court bailiffs as a result of administrative reform of 2004 has not led to its finalization. The service was not officially recognized as a supervisory authority, it did not become a law enforcement body. In fact, the body was finally formed only in 2008 when the supervisory authorities were granted to the baiiffs. 


Executive proceedings, bailiff, formation, development, efficiency, administrative reform, compulsory execution, bailiff service, control, supervision

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