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Trends and management
Samorukov V.I., Alisevich E.A., Starodubtsev Yu.I. (2015). Information market model from Russia’s WTO membership standpoint. Trends and management, 3, 252–262.
Samorukov V.I., Alisevich E.A., Starodubtsev Yu.I. Information market model from Russia’s WTO membership standpointAbstract: The article substantiates the necessity for developing a methodological base for evaluating and optimizing the impact of information on the potential of possibilities for market participants from the standpoint of Russia's membership in the WTO, and the dependence of successful business practice with how well-informed the subjects of the market are. The authors describe experiments performed on the basic model of the market with perfect competition, and with considerable changes in the program realization of their functioning, resulting in an interconnection between traditional and information resources in terms of the global goal of any market participant. The authors present an approach to qualitative regularities in interconnections and equivalency conditions of information and all other resources, which ensure the reaching of set goals. The authors have developed an information model of the market (IMM) as part of the analytical-imitation models, as applied to conditions of both, "perfect competition", as well as subjects possessing varying amounts of information. The main conclusions of this research are as follows: 1. A "perfect competition" market without decision-impacting information is characterized by a negligibly small probability of market monopolization, to the point of a mathematical abstract. 2. The probability of market monopolization is lowered by fixed market volume, and an enhanced number of participants. The author shows and produces a qualitative evaluation for a previously unknown regularity of interconnection between information resources and traditional assets of market subjects. 3. This regularity permits economic substantiation of an optimal variant for organization and technical systems for the acquisition and protection of valuable business information, thus creating conditions for further development of the information resources protection theory. 4. The interconnectedness between information and other resources revealed by the authors allows for the development of methodological basis for training of qualified personnel, aimed at realizing business-processes within the WTO. Keywords: level of information, model of informational market, information recources, model of perfect competition, market economy, market, market participants, value of information, correlation, influence of the information
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