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Pedagogy and education

Glushchenko V.V., Glushchenko I.I. Value-Based Approach to the Development and Implementation of the Distance Education Concept

Abstract: The subject of the research is the methods of the development and analysis of the concept of higher distance education according to the principles of the value-based approach. The object of the research is the concept of value-based higher distance education. In 2015 the importance of the research is defined by the fact that the discussion on the issues of distance learning in Russia is still going on. In addition, a number of internal and external factors create the need to reform the system of higher education in our country. At the present time one of the directions of such education reforms is the intensive development of the sector of distance education based on the use of IT, media and Internet technologies. The purpose of the present article is to create methodological approaches and to analyze the concepts of distance education taking into account values of modern education. The research methods include general and special research methods such as analysis and synthesis, structural and logical analysis, retrospective analysis and projected development. The main conclusions of the research have been made after achieving the following research objectives and goals: to study the definition and special features of the concept of education considering its influence on the innovation sector of the government and society;  to study peculiarities of the value-based education; to study factors and technologies for the implementation of the concept of value-based higher distance education as an innovation and direction for practical develoopment of education;  to analyze various concepts of value-based higher distance education. 


interactive education, continuous education, remote or distance education, value-based approach, concept, Internet, mission, vision, society, development

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