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Pedagogy and education

Gurevich P.S. Eduard Spranger's Pedagogical Intuition

Abstract: German philosopher, psychological and cultural expert Eduard Spranger was a rather versatile person. He created a classification of characters that later had a considerable influence on the development of the philosophy of personality. Spranger proved the principle of the structural or so called understanding philosophy. He studied conceptual structures of the spiritual life of human as part of cultural environment. He also touched upon aesthetical issues. It is quite obvious that such an active scientist who followed the German scientific tradition just couldn't keep from discussing teaching and up-bringing issues. Spranger created a whole series of lectures on the philosophical grounds of pedagogy. He viewed the theory of educational ideals and psychology of an educator as a direct practical implementation of the results of his philosophical activity. However, Spranger stressed out that the problem needed to be researched further. In the present article Gurevich has used the methodological findings of 'understanding psychology' and methods of pedagogical research. He also relies on philosophy of education as a special branch of knowledge. For the first time in Russian academic literature analyzes pedagogical intuitions of Eduard Spranger. He also emphasizes the integral nature of Spranger's views on the up-brining of students. The German philosopher left very deep thoughts  on personality and the difference between personality and individual or individuality. In accordance with his teaching, Spranger laid special emphasis on values as the spiritual basis of personality. Gurevich also analyzes Spranger's views on up-bringing and underlines that Spranger's ideas had a great influence on Theodor Litt, one of the founders of pedagogy of culture, modern interpretation of the concepts of civil up-bringing offered by G. Kerschensteiner, O. Bolnoy and pedagogical anthropology in general. 


pedagogy, teaching, up-bringing, personality, spirit, education, values, morals, culture, love, right

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