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Philosophy and Culture

Korneeva T.G. The Problem of Translating Persian Texts of Arab-Islamic Philosophy

Abstract: The paradigm of Arab-Islamic philosophy is quintessentially different from that of West-European philosophy: the former is based on the procedure-oriented way of thinking and the latter is based on the substance-oriented thinking. The phenomenon of Persian philosophers is caused by the fact that they were raised in Arab-Islamic civilization and operated categories of Arab-Islamic philosophy but did not write in the Arabic language that would convey the idea of procedurality more effectively. They wrote in the Persian language which mechanisms better suited for describing the picture of the world created by the substance-oriented consciousness. In her research Korneeva analyzes the extract from the philosophical treatise written by Nasir Khusraw, Persian philosopher of the XIth century. Such analysis allowed to define the mechanism of translating Arabic terms into Persian. Special attention is paid to the problem of translating philosophical terms from Persian texts of Arab-Islamic philosophy in the Russian language. The author offers the two variants of translation of the extract from Nasir Khusraw's work. One translation is made based on the substance-oriented paradigm of thinking and the other is made bsed on the procedure -oriented paradigm. The results of the research have demonstrated that when translating Persian texts of Arab-Islamic philosophy, it is necessary to take into account the meanings of Persian words and terms but relate them to their Arabic equivalents and Arabic way of thinking. Thus, it is impossible to create an adequate translation of Persian texts written on the basis of the procedure-oriented logic into Russian without additional commentary. 


discovery, existence, Arab-Islamic philosophy, Nasir Khusraw, Ibn Sina, Persian philosophical technology, logic of sense, procedurality, wujud, mawjud

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