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Culture and Art

Khrenov N.A. Publicity in Traditional and Virtual Forms as a Cultural Phenomenon. Article Two

Abstract: The subject of the present research is the nature and functions of publicity as a cultural phenomenon. Among numerous forms of historical research, the most famous ones are history of society, history of state, history of culture, history of communication and history of art. However, the development of history of art goes in parallel with history of public, i.e. the environment where art functions. The environment either contributes to the development of an intensive art life or, on the contrary, puts brakes on the development of art. Moreover, history of public is also the history of a more general phemonenon - publicity that is manifested not only in art but also in rituals, fairies, festive, sport, entertaining and theatrical forms. What is publicity considering that it is an intermediate element between history of art and history of society? What forms of publicity have been known throughout history? What functions has publicity performed in history? These are the questions the author covers in his article and chooses as the subject of his research. Taking into account that history of publicity is a form of history of society, the author has used the sociological approach to studying features of publicity because the sociological approach completes the historical approach. Sociology dictates a differentiated approach to society and, therefore, to publicity. In his article Khrenov describes the features of publicity attributed to pre-industrial, industrial and post-industrial societies. The author also focuses on the transfer of publicity forms that are typical for the industrial society to the publicity forms that are representative for post-industrial societies that create virtual forms of publicity based on developed technologies. Khrenov also pays attention to the contribution of so-called 'the third class' to the development of new forms of publicity. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the processes ongoing in the cities of the Modern and Contemporary Periods, in particular, those that are typical for new forms of publicity, have consequences for not only the society but also culture in general. Publicity is also a sphere of creative culture, thus the author has also applied the cultural approach to studying publicity as the subject of the present research. Publicity is the phenomenon that is related to both culture and society. To prove it, the author appeals to the theatrical life of the XVIIIth century when future virtual forms of publicity associated with television and Internet started to appear. 


virtual publicity, festivity, emotional contact, emotional deficiency, theatricism, duality, communication, publicity, industrial society, public

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