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Administrative and municipal law

Zabaykalov A.P., Lotorev E.N. Responsibility for an acceptioin of an "election bribe"

Abstract: The article deals with the introduction of responsibility of a voter for acception of an "election bribe". It is noted that the global and Russian practice provides for administrative, criminal and constitutional responsibility for the subornation of voters for candidates and other persons wishing to influence the will of the electorate. However, domestic legislation does not imply adverse consequences for the citizen who had received such an award. Taking into account the world experience, the article studies the feasibility and legal possibility of introduction of constitutional, criminal and administrative responsibility for these acts. The research methodology is based on the traditional legal science principles, techniques and approaches: dialectics, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, etc. The authors conclude that it would be the most appropriate to establish administrative responsibility for such actions. And the responsibility for the voter should be less severe than for those engaged in their subornation. In addition, it is rational to provide for an exemption from the responsibility for the citizens who voluntarily reported the bribery to the competent authority, as well as in cases when bribery was conjugated with coercion, threats, deception.


constitutional responsibility, election bribes, vote, election, administrative responsibility, responsibility, criminal responsibility, subornation, voter, fine

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