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Administrative and municipal law

Basiev M.S. On the improvement of organizational base of local government in the Russian Federation

Abstract:  The object of the research is the organizational base of local government in the Russian Federation. The author studies the role of the head of a municipality in the system of local governments interaction. The basic hypotheses of the research are the necessity to clearly differentiate representative and executive powers on local level and the admittance of a common nature of public authority on all its levels. The existing federal legislation admits the possibility of existence of the head of a municipality who is at the same time the chairperson of a representative body, the situation, unreasonable from the position of local government efficiency. The methodology is based on the study of the current legislation and law-enforcement practice (formal-legal and analytical methods) and on the consideration of the history and the tendencies of development of Russian legislation (historical-legal and dialectical methods). The author substantiates the problem of the existing legal model of regulation of organizational base of local government in the Russian Federation, and develops suggestions about federal legislation amending in order to eliminate the possibility to combine the positions of the head of a municipality and the chairperson of a representative body. This study is one of the first works in Russian political science aimed at the solution of this problem. 


executive power, public authority, separation of powers, local administration, representative body, local government, Head of Municipality, municipality, local government, combination of posts

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