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Nafikova G.A. Deficit of knowledge about narcotic substances as a prerequisite of their proliferation, and the questions of narcomania prevention

Abstract: The subject of the research is the range of problems of drug addiction prevention by means of legal education of the youth, particularly, by filling in the gaps of knowledge about narcotic substances, their use and its consequences. The author claims that by the present day our society has lost the whole generation of young people because of a harmful effect of drugs. The author supposes that the systematic study of prophylaxis can help to reveal the age when people start using drags, the milieu which furthers the development of this habit, the categories of youth, etc. The author applies the statistical method helping to analyze the frequency of drug use among the youth; the methods of analysis and generalization help to develop common mechanisms of prevention. Having systematically studied these processes of narcomania, the author formulates the list of unsettled problems and offers the ways to solve them. The emphasis is laid on the absence of medical and rehabilitation infrastructure in the country which could also raise the effectiveness of narcomania treatment and prophylaxis on early stages.  


drugs, drug addicts, prevention, youth, rehabilitation, behavior, motivation, education, habit, family

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