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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Filatov F.R., Sedykh N.S. Psychological Assistance to Victims of Terrorist Attacks: Critical Analysis and Development Prospects

Abstract: The article is devoted to the psychological aspects of terroristic attacks experience. The problems related to the re-interpretation of life values and changing social guidelines as a result of the experienced trauma are discussed. In this context the organizational and methodological aspects of the psychological support and assistance to victims are analyzed. The efficiency of various psychotherapeutic practices and techniques used during the provision of emergency psychological aid and work aimed at coping with prolonged consequences of a terroristic attack is discussed. The authors summarize the results of their academic research and practical observations. The constructive personal and social strategies to overcome the negative effects of trauma and to find new meanings, goals and positive outlook are analyzed. The authors emphasize the need for specialized preventive activities of state and social institutions and mass media aimed at creating the integrated system of professional interdepartmental interaction and reducing the negative impact of terrorist attacks on public and individual consciousness. The article is also devoted to prospects for the development of a common interdisciplinary conceptual model focusing on the selection, verification and improvement of organizational, educational, psychological and psychotherapeutic methods and techniques which could be used during the periods of both emergency assistance and subsequent rehabilitation.


media, effect, act of terrorism, terrorism, victims of terror, psychological assistance, aftermath, psychological support, psychotherapy, prevention

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