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Philosophy and Culture
Parkhomenko R.N. (2015). Modern Concepts of the Idea of Freedom. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 1043–1054.
Parkhomenko R.N. Modern Concepts of the Idea of FreedomAbstract: This is the final article in a serious of articles including the last two articles (Parkhomenko, R. N.. The Concept of Freedom in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy // Philosophy and Culture. – 2013. – ¹ 5. - P. 701 - 708; and Parkhomenko, P. N.. The Idea of Freedom at the Age of Renaissance and Modern Times // Philosophy and Culture. – 2014. – ¹ 2. - P. 227 - 238) devoted to the genesis of the idea of freedom and liberalism in Western philosophy. In the present article Parkhomenko discusses associated concepts in the philosophy of the contemporary period. The research methodology includes both Russian and foreign sources as well as data collected by the author during scientific trainings at different German universities. The brief review of the origin and development of the idea of freedom in West European philosophy provided by the author in all his three articles demonstrates that the thoughts on human freedom permeates all periods of human spiritual history being the consequence and reflection of the actual historical situation in the society. The researcher also makes an attempt to systematize different branches of contemporary Western liberalism including utilitarianism, liberal equality and libertarianism. Keywords: idea of freedom, human, politics, West, law, society, libertarianism, liberalism, utilitarianism, liberal equality
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