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Philosophy and Culture
Rudnev V.P. (2015). Notes on the Thought Theory (On the Philosophical Interpretation of Late Beethoven). Philosophy and Culture, 7, 969–976.
Rudnev V.P. Notes on the Thought Theory (On the Philosophical Interpretation of Late Beethoven)Abstract: In his article Rudnev offers us to think of the philosophical thought as the proposition denying the previous philosophical thought which has become the ordinary proposition. In other words, a philosopher needs to say something new which has never been said before. For example, providing that insanity is the inability to stay among things (Ludwig Binswanger) and thought is the absence of thing (Wilfred Bion), it could be suggested that insanity is the place where the thought is being born. From this point of view, any thought is the pathological process. This corresponds to the theory of Tim Crow about homo sapiens originating only after the development of the schizophrenia gene or Yury Lotman's words that the ability of mind to think is, in a sense, the ability of human to become insane. However, all these provisions disagree with the other thought of Bion according to whom thought is also related to the ability to endure frustration. The ability to endure frustration allows to create thought as the mean that makes frustration more endurable. In his article Rudnev offers his own research method which he has been developing for many years and which he has called psychosemiotics of the pathographic text. The scientific novelty of the present research is caused by the fact that Rudnev views the thought theory from the point of view of psychoanalytical and design-analytical concepts offered by Ludwig Bingswanger and Wilfred Bion. Thought is one of the alternative responses of a child to frustration. A child has the choice either to cry or to think. The second reaction leads to the development of thinking. Keywords: frustration, thought, , Beethoven, thing, proposition, psychopatology, Bion, Binswanger, Frege, Tim Crow
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