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Philology: scientific researches
Balakleets N.A. (2015). Ontological Aspects of Monarch’s Power (the Study of Ivan Lazhechnikov Novel 'The House of Ice'). Philology: scientific researches, 2, 138–147.
Balakleets N.A. Ontological Aspects of Monarch’s Power (the Study of Ivan Lazhechnikov Novel 'The House of Ice')Abstract: The aim of this article is to explicate the ontological characteristics of the monarch’s power represented in the historical novel of Ivan Lazhechnikov “The House of Ice”. In the article the author offers the interpretation of Lazhechnikov’s ideas and images in terms of contemporary political and philosophical doctrines. Involving the theoretical studies of Alexandre Kojève, Georges Bataille, Jean Baudrillard, Michel Foucault, Ernst Kantorowicz, Mikhail Iampolski and other researchers into the analysis, the author reveals a variety of forms and ways of power represented in the novel. Particular attention is paid to the phenomena of monarch’s body, discourse of power and ways of power transgression. Along with the general scientific methods of research the author uses the hermeneutic and poststructuralist methodology as well as elements of comparative literary studies. The most important result of the research is the explication by the author of four levels of power being represented in the novel "The House of Ice ". The crisis of the metaphysical foundation of the power expressed in the inability of Empress Anna Ivanovna to represent the transcendence is compounded by the crisis of representation of the collective body in public space. The special contribution of the author consists in explanation of the specific characteristics of the discourse of power as well as the interpretation of laughter as one of the elements of the discourse of power. Keywords: Lazhechnikov, power, discourse, ontology, transcendence, transgression, body, jester, space, “The House of Ice”
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