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Philology: scientific researches

Zinchuk E.A. English Borrowings in the German Language as a Reflection of Processes in a Modern Society

Abstract: The problem of English borrowings in the German language has grown especially important in recent decades as a result of globalization proceses and intense development of different aspects of language interaction. The article is devoted to the comprehensive research of the process of borrowing of English words by the German language. As a result of the analysis carried out, Zinchuk also tries to define the time periods when Anglicisms first appeared, to describe their role and place in the vocabulary of modern German, to create a classification of English borrowings and to understand the attitude of German society to this problem. The main purpose of the research is to analyze the advertising language and activity performed by organizations and public figures dealing with the issues of the integrity of the German language. The topic of borrowed foreign words have always provoked rough discussions in the society and academic community. The main question of these discussions has always been whether there is a real threat to the German language. In this article Zinchuk analyzes views of the researchers and progressive representatives of the German community on the problem of borrowed Anglicisms in German and concludes that some of them consider Anglicisms to be useful. In the present research Zinchuk analyzes peculiarities of the functioning of Anglicisms in the German language which allows to describe particular tendencies of linguistic changes. This is an important research in terms of studying the tendencies of the development of the language system at the end of the XXth - beginning of the XXIst centuries as well as peculiarities of the process of borrowing of English words by the German language. 


borrowing, Anglicism (English loan word), public sentiment, purism, purism, society of the German language, language error, prohibition of Anglicisms, state regulation, advertising language

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