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Philology: scientific researches

Storozhenko N.V. The Fear of Death at All Times

Abstract: The article is devoted to the phenomenon of death these days. In this article Storozhenko performs the successive analysis of an individual's attitude to death based on classical works written by Arthur Schopenhauer, Philippe Ariès, Erich Fromm, etc. and a number of research articles written by contemporary authors. The purpose of the present research is to define factors of modern reality that regulate the development of a specific attitude of an individual to the phenomenon of death as well as further prospects of these factors. Considering the fact that this issue is of philosophical and anthropological nature, the analysis of the present article touches upon advanced technologies as the element of human experience. As a result of the research, Storozhenko finds out that there are specific relationships between the phenomenon of death and progress and phantasm, describes specific features of the symbolism of death in a modern world, extends the list of immortalization moduses and outlines the prospects for the further development of the phenomenon. From the philosophical point of view, the phenomenon of death constitutes one of human existentials, therefore there is a wide scope of practical fields the results of the research may be applied to. 


progress, fear, symbolic, immortalization, individual, death, phenomenon, phantasm, existentialism, life

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