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Financial Law and Management

Popova N.N. Application of Coercive Measures for Infringements of Legislation on the Legal Regime of Cultural Heritage Objects

Abstract: Considering the processes of natural wearing of historical memorials with time as well as their great importance for the spiritual life of nations, cultural objects should be assigned a special legal status that would allow to avoid their destruction or damage. The article reveals the basic requirements of an object of cultural heritage and points out associated violations of  rules for which administrative responsibility is imposed. It is underlined that in 2013 and 2014  the refined old and new types of crime, increased penalties, changesin jurisdiction of cases on administrative offences in sphere of protection of historical and cultural monuments were introduced taking into account the legislative innovations. In the process of writing this article the following research methods have been used: hermeneutical approach, systems approach, methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparative law method and other methods that are usually used in legal research. The Federal Laws No. 96 of May 7, 2013 and No. 315 of October 22, 2014 are aimed at the solution of the aforesaid problems and protection of cultural heritage. The existing version of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences describes 16 types of administrative offences (Articles 7.13 - 7.16, 7.33, Part 18 of Article 19.5) that have the same object, i.e. social relations arising during preservation, use, promotion and protection of cultural heritage objects. The author of the article also provides examples of administrative court proceedings on the matter. 


state coercion, seizure, cultural heritage object, object of archaeological heritage, land of historical and cultural purpose, administrative offence, administrative responsibility, administrative fines, historical monument, cultural heritage

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