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Financial Law and Management

Bashlakov-Nikolaev I.V. Coercive Measures in the Field of Business Competition Protection

Abstract: In this paper the author examines the legal and administrative measures for the protection of competition, i.e. measures conducted by antimonopoly agencies to prevent avoidance, restriction or elimination of competition in accordance with the Competition Protection Law. The author proposes different classifications of measures performed by antimonopoly agencies in the sphere of business competition protection as a result of violations of the antimonopoly legislation. The author divides all measures of administrative enforcement into the two groups: 1. The administrative responsibility measures. 2. Measures to ensure implementation of legislation in the sphere of competition protection (i.e. enforcement measures).  In the proccess of writing this article the following research methods have been used: hermeneutical approach, systems approach, methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparative law method and other methods that are usually used in legal research.  The author also focuses on the administrative preclusive and interim measures the specificity of which is that they protect social relations with reference to public bidding and conclusion of treaties rather than social relations in the sphere of business competition as they are. According to the author,  these relations should soon include relations connected with the order of procedures in the field of urban planning and land relations.


competition, administrative measures, liability, antimonopoly (competition) law, competition protection, administative enforcement, legal measures, administrative responsibility, preventive measures, interim measures

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