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Financial Law and Management

Ruchkina G.F. Some Features of the Antimonopoly State Control over Observance of Legislation in the Sphere of Management of Apartment Buildings

Abstract: Nowadays state competition policy is of outmost importance. Competition policy is the policy that establishes mandatory rules in the sphere of business competition and provides for particular legal arrangements to enforce these rules. Competition policy is also a set of actions that are conducted by special authorities with reference to business entities and aimed at their observance of the aforesaid rules. In her research Ruchkina examines the activity of a competition authority and analyzes different instruments implemented by such an authority to protect competition in the sphere of the management of apartment buildings. According to the researcher, a state antimonopoly authority should pay more attention to the advocacy of competition in this sphere, i.e. conduction of activities aimed at shaping public opinion, explanation of the advantages of competition economics and interpretation of the povisions of the competition law and the scope of activity of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia. In the process of writing this article the following research methods have been used: hermeneutical method, systems method, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparative law method and other methods that are usually used in legal research. According to the researcher, it would be enough to oblige managers of building apartments to post information provided by the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia for the purpose of giving more information to citizens regarding the competition law and antimonopoly regulation in the sphere of housing legislation in Russia. In this case, managers of apartment buildings will be able to provide their tenants with all the neessary information by posting it on local websites and information boards at management offices and apartment buildings. 


management companies, management of apartment buildings, competition protection, competition (antimonopoly) authority, state control, competition policy, state competition policy, business entities, antimonopoly control, competition law

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