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Financial Law and Management

Lapina M.A. On the Need to Systematize the Measures of Government Coercion in the Sphere of Legislation of the Russian Federation

Abstract: In her article Lapina examines provisions of different branches of law that regulate social relations in the financial and economic sphere. The article is devoted to the content and nature of state coercion and peculiarities of the classification of administrative enforcement measures as a form of state coercion. The example of budget, banking and securities market legislations demonstrated the lack of a unified system of measures of state coercion in the Russian Federation. The researcher emphasizes the need for the integrated improvement of the system of measures of state coercion in all spheres and areas of public administration including finances.  In the process of writing this article the following methods were used: hermeneutical approach, systems approach, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparative law research and other methods that are usually used in legal research. According to the researcher, such improvement should involve the entire system of Russian legislation, i.e. not only sectoral legislation that contains field-specific measures of state coercion but also unified laws that establish different kinds of legal responsibility and describe the system of associated measures (forms) of punishment (criminal, administrative, disciplinary, etc.) for violation of law.   


financial sphere, public administration, securities market, legislation of the Russian Federation, banking sector, supervisory response measures, special enforcement measures, budget enforcement, administrative enforcement, government coercion

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