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National Security

Kapitonov I.A. Prospective scientific and technological progress in the area of energy from the perspective of resolving the energy and environmental contradictions in the path towards energy security of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The author reviews the issues of reducing natural energy resources and the possibilities of switching to renewable resources of energy at the core of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation. A special attention is given to the newest progressive and innovative strategies pertaining to the issues of implementation of technologies for acquiring energy using untraditional methods. In this article the author substantiates the fact that the secret to energy security and efficiency lies namely in the sphere of renewable energy, as well as in power conservation. The author examines the organizational-economic mechanism for maintaining energy security and structures the system of implementation of progressive technologies in energy. The author presents periodization of development of economic sectors for the purpose of increasing productivity and export orientation, as well as balanced and stable growth based on the beginning stage of innovative development of the country and formation of long-term cross-industry scientific and technical plan. The results of the analysis of the potential of Russia’s energy resources allowed the discovery of a number of problems, which require attention from both, the government administration, and regional branches of government authority, which could play a key role in the formation of modern environmental and energy culture among Russian citizens.


"green" certificate, energy Strategy, environmental Safety, alternative energy, geopolitics, national security, innovative development, energy security, Renewable Energy, power conservation

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