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Taxes and Taxation

Kormishkina L.A., Koroleva L.P. Fiscal Regulation of Vehicle Waste Recycling During the Transition to Neo Industrial Development

Abstract: Transition to the neo industrial development requires building an effective system of waste processing and resource recycling. This would allow to change the quality of the economic growth and to encourage research and development and innovations as well as to overcome environmental constraints and to improve the quality of life of the population. One of the main elements of this system is the recycling of vehicle waste. The financial basis for the development of industry of auto recycling in provided through collection of car (vehicle) recycling fees in Russia. Funds from the proceeds are used to subsidize infrastructure projects and expenditures of private recycling companies. In this regard, the objective of the study was to assess the effects of fiscal regulation of recycling vehicle waste in Russia and to determine the main directions for its improvement during the transition to neo industrial development. The authors of the article compare the contribution of the automotive industry and the recycling industry in the EU and the Russian Federation economies. Based on the example of many years of experience in the development of autorecycling in the EU in accordance with the requirements of the Directive End of Life Vehicles Directive the authors examine the functional purpose of vehicle recycling fees. On the basis of the comparison of forecast and actual figures for the amount of subsidies of autorecycling and vehicle recycling fee accumulated in the federal budgets , the authors assess the effectiveness of the collection of vehicle recycling fees in Russia. According to the results of the study the authors have concluded that there is a gap between the theory and practice of collection of the vehicle recycling fee in Russia which is demonstrated by untypical for this payment protective and environmental functions during the operation of the car but not recycling. However, every year the gap between the volumes of incoming car vehicle fee and the amount of subsidies for car recycling is increasing which demonstrates the dysfunction of payment as an incentive for the development of vechicle recycling. In conclusion,  the authors offer the basic directions for improving the fiscal regulation  of the development of autorecycling in Russia emphasizing the need to ensure the conditions for neo industrialization.


fiscal regulation, processing, vehicle recycling fee, neo-industrial development, recycling, vehicle, waste, utilization, tax, subsidy

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