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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Gekhova D.Kh. Cassation Institution in Continental Law Countries and Periods of its Development

Abstract: Continental system of law, as well as Anglo-Saxon, is historically one of the generators of the legislation of its member countries. Forms of review of judicial decisions, which include an appeal and cassation, has long affirmed and recognized in the course of historical development. Continental legal system developed under the influence of French law in the XIX century. The article reveals the concept of "cassation" in French legislation, where historically cassation proceedings were conceived, and then, in the next century its formation was influenced by German law. In the countries of continental legal system the history of the institute of cassation as a form of appeal of judgment was sustained from the France of XIX century to the present day in Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Romania and Serbia. The author highlights the cassation proceedings in a number of countries of continental legal system.


criminal process, judicial proceedings, cassation proceedings, the sentence, the right of appeal, the victim, History of the cassation, the judge, the prosecutor, the complaint.

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