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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Merkulova T. A., Sakovich O. M. Legal Regulation of Collective Investment Schemes in Hungary and Czech Republic

Abstract: The article deals with the basic forms of collective investment provided by the legislation of Hungary and the Czech Republic, the stages of formation and structure of this legislation, its trends, and the legal definition of collective investment is provided. The authors prove the value of collective investment in socio-economic life of these countries. Particular attention is given to participants of collective investment, their characteristics and legal status. The article also analyzes the regulatory practice of creation of pension funds as a form of preserving and increasing of pension savings. Scientific methods of research, in particular, synthesis and analysis were used in this work. Along with the scientific methods the private law methods were used, namely, comparative legal, historical, technical -legal. The work is written on the basis of new laws adopted in Hungary and the Czech Republic, which have made a change in the existing system of collective investment of these countries. The authors analyze the history of the formation of collective investment, which took place in Hungary and the Czech Republic in the new economic conditions associated with the change in policy and the transition to a market economy relations . The issues of harmonization of Hungarian and Czech legislation with the latest EU directives were studied.


forms of collective investment, investment fund, management company, EU Directive, privatization, portfolio investment, investment strategy, contract, asset management, insurance, investment entrepreneur, credit institutions, pension savings.

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