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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Barankov V.L. International Standards and Constitutional Guarantees of Social Protection of Participants of the Trial

Abstract: The article deals with the issues of social protection of judges on the basis of international standards and constitutional guarantees of social protection of judges and their families. The author discussed the issue of the independence of judges at the international level. The article describes the main types of guarantees of social protection which is submitted to all the judges of the Russian Federation, as well as features of social health and pension of judges, guarantees of labor rights and rights to housing. The paper analyzes the social aspects of the protection of judges in foreign countries (England, Lithuania, Spain and so on.). The scientific novelty of the research is to examine the social guarantees of judges at the international level and in accordance with international standards, the analysis of the principles relating to the independence of the judiciary and the coordination of social protection of judges. The author of the article marked the gaps of legal regulation of this area of social security of judges.


judge, social protection of judges, international standards, guarantees of participants, constitutional guarantees, the trial, the principle of judicial independence, the judicial system, pensions of judges, health care of judges.

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